Autumn - Year 8

Hi, my name is Autumn and I am a year 8 at LAS. I enjoy writing because I can create a picture using words and use my imagination. My other hobbies are horse-riding and reading. I hope to learn some new techniques to improve my writing through the writing extension course. I prefer writing fiction but I enjoy most writing. My favorite topic to write about is when people are in scary situations like earthquakes or car crashes. When I'm older I think that being an author would be fun because I get paid to do what I enjoy.
Hey Autumn  
I like writing about that sort of stuff as well. Hopefully we will get to write more fiction in the group and it will be good to write with people who enjoy writing about the same type of things as me.


  1. Hey Autumn, great to see your bio on the blog. I really enjoyed reading it. So much of what you had to say reminded me of me. You have a real passion for writing and I look forward to working with you in order to help develop those skills you talk about and get you well on the way to becoming an author.
    Mrs May

  2. Cool Guys
    I totally agree bout writing fiction and scary situations! HOPEFULLY!


  3. Hey Autumn - make sure when you become a famous writer that you remember us! You have a real "gift" and I hope you go far with your writing.
    Mrs Taylor
